After Purchasing HTS CANBus
There are only two steps you have to do.
You have to create serial ID in HTS OBD1 software for HTS CANBus activation
Click here to download HTS OBD1
After you downloaded HTS OBD1, run the software and go to the Help/Support menu
Fill out your email and username, then HTS OBD1 will auto-populate the box on the bottom
Click the “Copy to clipboard” button and then go onto the next step
After purchasing you must join the discord.
Information on that can be found here /discord
Downloads are distributed through the bot in discord.
When you join DM Devin your Order#, Serial ID from HTS and Email you used to purchase and you will have your VIP account activated there.
Once thats done, you can download HTS by typing "/download” in the #vip-chat channel
HTS Bot will then send you a dm with a personal download link that expires after 2 minutes.
It will contain the link, and current change log.
After downloading continue on to /Getting-Started-Canbus